Today, we talked about our reading assignments about culture, and how it differs from generation to generation. I think it is important that people understand but also accept that there are many different cultures. Each culture has its own norms and trends; therefore, people should not judge on what they think is right just because whatever it may be is done differently in their own culture. Society plays a huge role in culture, what is happily available to us today may not have been available ten years ago; for example, IPods are the new way to listen to music, whereas when I was growing up it was CD’s and even before that when my sisters were growing up it was tape players or even vinyl’s. Step by step this makes a cultural difference between generations. I particularly think the point about younger generations accepting a wider aspect on things such as religion and sexuality. I agree that people in my generation are more tolerant on perspectives. I think again society has helped with this; we see it more and more on television and even from role models whom people aspire to be like. We are taught together as a generation to broaden our perspective on things, to look at situations from different angles, to analyze the reasons and follow through with a summary of the situation.