Sunday, September 11, 2011

Week Two- Blog Three

    • We discussed the relevance of culture to the point where we see more and more people from different religious backgrounds change their religion and therefore culture due to being more educated about other cultures in society today. Each society has several religious backgrounds, this impacts culture hugely; for example, in England today more and more Muslim temples are being built. This is leading to people researching about the Muslim culture, they become more educated about it. Therefore, It is not UN common to see a white British Muslim as you walk down the street. England has a huge variety of cultures especially in big city's such as Manchester, London, Birmingham, and Liverpool. This does cause conflict, political and demographic. People have to learn to respect beliefs but the argument is, if people enter our culture, our nation,should they respect our religion and beliefs? Should they demonstrate the English culture or is it right for them to live and act as they did when they were in their own country? The rules and norms are very different, they have their pros and cons. For example, a pro would be that they we become more educated about their particular culture but a con could be that women are disrespected by men, they have to cover up their body. This is to the extent that they do not have to show their full face in their English photo identity, only a small margin of their face is showing, in many cases the eyes only. If I, a white British citizen, wants to get a photo identity I have to have a picture of my full face, I am not even aloud to smile and my hair must be pulled back out of my face. Personally, I don't see the sense in this. They should respect our rules and display a full face picture on their photo identity, after all it is an English identity.

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